Bryce's last three eye teeth came in. We'll now get a break from teething until his 2-year old molars. Yeah!
Bryce got sick a lot in December. He had a cold, then got a flu shot and a few days later was throwing up. Once the flu was over with he got another cold. He is finally healthy. None of the illnesses slowed him down much.
He is now saying Tru from Truck, Moo for Cow, No-No (his favorite), and Zat for What's that. He has also added sorry to his list of signs.
Consistently for the past month he has been taking one, two-hour nap a day from about 1-3 o'clock. I love that for the most part I can count on a 2 hour break so I can work or get stuff done around the house. This really helps my sanity. Most of the time he is still sleeping from 7 pm - 7 am without waking up, although 5 or 6 nights out of the last 10 or so nights he has woken up in the middle of the night wanting to nurse. The last two times he did this I let him cry himself back to sleep. Since I plan on weaning him soon I don't want to continue nursing him in the middle of the night to help him fall back to sleep.
He loves to go bye-bye. He asks to go all the time. Maybe he inherited my trait of liking to be out doing things.
He has gotten more and more into reading. He likes to point at pictures and say Zat until you name the object. He also still loves pushing his trucks around. Recently he learned that he can tickle Mommy and Daddy, which he loves.
The last few weeks Bryce has become more affectionate. He hugs his Lovey, cuddles with us more, and gives kisses to the dog, us and his baby. He can also make a kissing sound rather than just always giving us the wonderful open-mouth kiss.