Another month older, the time goes by so fast. Bryce is doing great. He had a very full January, with two trips to the snow, two weekly playgroups, and the start of his Music Together class.
Bryce has continued to expand his vocabulary, both through sign and speech. He now signs music and water. He also made up his own sign for spoon/fork and up. He has added bawr for bar (meaning fruit bar), and baa for bath.
I'm working on weening him. I think I have it down to twice a day now. I've been able to cut out the morning feeding by distracting him. Sometimes I can also skip the nap time feeding, but he still won't budge on the nighttime feeding, unless I'm not around. He is drinking milk from a cup regularly and really likes it. He asks for it often.
The past week he has been on another nap strike. When I put him down he cries for a few minutes and then just stands there until I come and get him. I've been leaving him in his crib for 1-2 hours so that I have a break and can get some work done. It also gives him a rest even if he isn't sleeping. I hope this is just a short strike because he gets a little cranky at night when he doesn't take a nap. He did fall asleep one day, but only for a few minutes. When I went in to check on him, he was asleep standing up. I couldn't resist taking a picture and the flash woke him up.
I'm taking him to see the doctor this afternoon. He has had digestive issues for the past 3.5 weeks (i.e. lots of potty). I'm really hoping he doesn't have a food allergy and that the doctor will tell me it is normal. We'll see.
He still really enjoys pushing around his trucks. He has to have them with him all the time. If we are going upstairs he goes and gets both trucks and gives them to me to carry up the stairs. Likewise, if we are upstairs, he finds his trucks so we can take them downstairs with us. He also loves playing with the blocks Pawka made him for Christmas. Another favorite is laying on the fold out couch he got for Christmas. He likes to sit down on the couch when he has his milk.
When we are driving he notices every big truck he sees. He gets excited, points, and says "tra".