After our trip to Spokane Bryce's sleep schedule was off and it has continued to be off ever since. He often cries before falling asleep for his naps and at night. Instead of taking an hour and a half or a two hour nap, he often sleeps for just forty-five minutes. I still leave him in his crib for at least an hour and a half so he has a chance to fall back to sleep or at least rest a little. At night sometimes he goes right to sleep, other nights he fusses for over an hour. The first two weeks we were home he was waking up in the middle of the night. It seems like every time we are away from home for more than a night his naps and night time sleep habits get messed up. His digestive system also gets messed up when we travel. Oh well, hopefully one day he will adjust better to traveling.
One of his favorite words is "two". He understands the meaning and wants two of everything. He also loves to play "two". This is a game where we count, one, two, three, go and he runs as fast as he can to us and then we tickle him. It is very cute.
He knows three colors, yellow (he say yeahlow), blue, and green (he says geen).
He is definitely starting to be more boy than baby. He is looking so grown up. He is also definitely entering into the terrible twos. He throws fits on a semi-regular basis, throws his toys when he is mad, and tries to hit me. He also tells me no and runs away from me. Just today I bought "The New Strong Willed Child" by James Dobson. Hopefully this will give me some insight into raising a strong willed little boy.
Bryce doesn't understand that I have a baby in my tummy. He points to my tummy and then to his own and says baby. Maybe as my stomach grows he will start to understand more.