Faith is starting to "talk" more and more. She has gone from making the same few sounds and her very small vocabulary of just a few words, to making all kinds of different sounds. She is now saying thank you, binky, ball, lovey, Bryce, Kona, and a few other words too. While none of them sounds quite right, we know what she is saying. She will also try and repeat words when you ask her to say something. In the past when we asked her to say a word that she knew the sign for, she'd just do the sign. The other day, I said, "say thank you", expecting her to sign thank you, and she said, "tank oo" without any prompting or ever having said it with her words before.
She understands absolutely everything we say to her. She can respond to most questions by shaking her head yes or no, or by pointing or showing you something. I love that we can communicate better with her now.
She still loves playing with her dolls, music toys, Little People's animals and people, and of course loves anything that Bryce doesn't want her to have - Duplo Blocks, Toy Story or Peter Pan figurines, etc.
She likes to climb up on to the kitchen chairs, which makes me crazy. She has taken a couple of good falls from them already. She also likes to stand on a little stool in the kitchen to watch me cook. Hopefully she'll enjoy cooking so that I have someone to do food projects with. Bryce has never been interested in helping me. If her eating is any indication, she's going to love cooking. She still eats whatever we give her, including spicy things like black bean soup. In fact, soups of all kinds seem to be a favorite. The only thing she won't eat or drink is milk from a cup. I've tried all types of milk and she wants nothing to do with it. I'm still trying to wean her and she isn't going for it. Most days I have her down to 3 times a day, but she walks around all the time signing milk. When I say no she throws herself to the ground and starts crying.
She is still napping twice a day, however if she misses her morning nap she survives until the afternoon. It does seem that afternoon naps are worse when she misses her morning nap. They do say that sleep begets sleep - I guess it is true.
She is starting to look more and more like a little girl and not a baby. Her hair is getting longer and fuller. In another couple of months it might be long enough for a real ponytail. She'll definitely need her bangs cut soon.
Faith went potty in her little potty for the first time a week ago. We had just brought in her little potty a few days before. She was doing the sign for potty, so I put her on it and told her to push her poo-poo s out, and she did.