Faith is talking up a storm. Her favorite work is "No." This is often said with a lot of attitude behind it. She can say pretty much anything you ask her to, although often the words don't sound much like the actual word. She is also putting short sentences together.
She is getting to be very independent. She wants to do things for herself without any help. For example, she likes to climb up into her seat and buckle herself in without any help. If you try and help her she yells, "no."
She has become extremely attached to her lovey "Yae-yae" and wants to have one all the time. She has a number of them, and in a pinch any will do, although she particularly like a pink one with a teddy bear on top. She also wants her binky all the time. This started about the time she had the flu. I allowed her to have them whenever she wanted for a little over a week. Now I'm trying to enforce them as being only for nap, bedtime, and the car. Sometimes she chooses to stay in her crib after she wakes up rather than get up without her lovey and binky.
She is starting to get timeouts. She has exhibited that she knows exactly what she is doing and that she shouldn't be doing it, so we started timeouts. For example, at dinner last night she refused to eat anything but bread and butter. When I wouldn't give her more she sat there screaming at the top of her lungs. When I told her I was going to take her up to her bed for a timeout she immediately told me sorry without being prompted and stopped screaming. After going back and forth like this a couple of times I finally removed her from the table and gave her a time out.
She is really liking art. She will color for a long time and likes to do other art projects. She also still likes her baby dolls, Bryce's cars, and music. She loves to dance and sing to music. If you say "la, la, la" or some other sound she can repeat it in the same tone back to you.
She also loves talking on her "hi." Her favorite person to call is Auntie Juli. I wonder if this is a glimpse into what she is going to be like as a teenager.