The extent to which Faith tries to keep up with her big brother is impressive. More and more she is wanting to do big kids things or do the same things Bryce is doing.
She wants to eat the same foods as he eats, which thoroughly frustrates Bryce. She wants to sit at the table without her booster seat; buckle her own seat belt; get dressed on her own; brush her teeth on her own; and the list keeps going. She has always been very independent when doing these things, but more and more she is getting adamant about it.
Her latest thing is telling us she wants privacy when she goes potty on the big potty. I have to stand outside the door until she tells me she is finished. I found this hysterical since I have to come in and wipe her when she is done. She has been doing really well using the potty. She no longer uses her little potty seat, but instead sits on the real toilet. She is doing almost all of her poop in the potty.
Faith is getting really into Veggie Tales. When given the choice she will choose a Veggie Tale movie over any other movie. Her favorite character is Bob the Tomato.
After spending the weekend in Tahoe earlier this month with the Husen's and Garcia's, Faith started carrying her babies around in her shirt or pj's trying to emulate Auntie Em carrying Ella in a Ergo Baby pack. She was stretching out her shirts and pj's trying to make the babies fit. At Nanny's suggestion I went on Amazon and found an Ergo Baby carrier specifically made for baby dolls. I immediately ordered it. Faith has spent entire days wearing her baby carrier. The only baby she puts in it is Ella. She has names most of her babies. She has Cole, Kira, Ella, and Ashley to name a few. All are named after babies she knows. If you call a baby doll by the incorrect name she immediately corrects you.
While she is still very attached to her pink lovey, she has started wanting all of them in her bed with her. She will tell you, "I want too many YaeYae's." I hope this means we can more easily distract her when it is time to wash the pink one.