Bryce has regressed with his napping. Most days he only takes one nap (even when I try and put him down for two naps). Instead of his nap being 1.5 - 2 hours he is napping for only 30 minutes, like he did a few months ago. I'm trying to let him cry himself back to sleep so that he gets a longer nap, but it is not working.
He is into feeding himself these days. He likes using a fork more than a spoon, but not just any fork, he wants my fork. He is actually getting the hang of it quite well. He is still eating most things, however veggies are still an issue sometimes. I try to trick him, by hiding veggies in things, but he is a master at detecting them and spitting them out.
His vocabulary hasn't expanded much this past month. He is still only saying Mama, Dada, and yeah for the most part. He is also still signing food, drink, more, finished, help, please, birdie, nurse, night-night, and thank you.
His favorite things to do over the past month are playing with his shoes, climbing on the couch, playing with this big car shaped fort, listen to and dance to music, reading stories and telling us stories, and of course playing outside.
He is still nursing three times a day. He is sleeping at night for about 12 hours (he only woke up a couple of times in the middle of the night this past month).
We took Baby Kindergym through the Santa Rosa Parks and Recreation Department. He really enjoyed it, but wouldn't sit down for circle time (signing songs, playing with a parachute).
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