Once again Bryce's development amazes me. His vocabulary has expanded a lot over the last few weeks. Some of his new words include, Roller (the heavy equipment roller machine), cheese, Papa (Pawka) Nana (Nanny), buo (book), ball (ball and balloon), tractor, bu (bus), and others.
I successfully weened Bryce. I took him into the doctor's last month because of his digestive issues. The doctor had me take him off all dairy including breast milk. I had to quit nursing him cold turkey on his 19th month birthday. He actually did really well. Nathan put him to bed for a few nights in a row so that he wouldn't wonder why he couldn't nurse. It only took him a couple of days before he stopped asking to nurse. ---Back to the digestive issues. We aren't sure what the cause was. I took him on and off dairy three times, and it didn't seem to make a difference. Slowly his system returned to normal. I'm glad it appears he doesn't have an issue with dairy or any other allergy.
Bryce ended his 3 week nap strike a couple of weeks ago. He is back to sleeping 1 - 2 hours. Thank goodness.
The past two weeks Bryce has been really clingy to me. Some nights he won't even let Daddy put him to bed. He wants me to hold him a lot and is content to just sit with me on the couch and read books. I love the cuddles and attention he is giving me, but am sure this is just a phase.
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