Bryce spent his 21st month birthday flying to Spokane to see his godparents. We lucked out and had our own row on the plane, even though I only paid for one seat. Bryce sat by the window and really loved looking outside. The window was a bit high for him to see out clearly, so I had to prop him up every once in a while to look. He now says airplane, although the pronunciation is a bit off. Once we got to J and Rachel's house Bryce noticed every plane that flew by and got very excited.
This past month was another month of amazing development. Once again his vocabulary has really expanded. One of my favorite new words he says is "no-meal" meaning oatmeal. Some other new words are more, please, ba berry (strawberry), and so many more.
His is also still signing, but often will say the word while he is signing if he knows both. I've taught him a few new signs recently: airplane, ball, dog, fish, shoe and sock. He picked these up really fast, but isn't using them regularly.
Naps and sleep time have remained pretty study: nap from 1:00 - 2:30 or 3:00 and bed from 7 pm to 7 am.
His music together class ended, but we've signed up for the next session. Unfortunately we'll miss the first class because of being in Spokane. He really enjoyed the first session. It is funny, in class he often appears like he isn't paying any attention and participates very little. However, when we are home he asked for his music and repeats a lot of the noises and motions from class.
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