Bryce went to his friend Mia's birthday party at Rohnert Park Gymnastics. The kids had a great time.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Bryce at Rohnert Park Gymnastics
Bryce went to his friend Mia's birthday party at Rohnert Park Gymnastics. The kids had a great time.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Bryce gets a real haircut
Since Bryce had not had a professional haircut since he was one, I thought it was time to take him in.
I took him to a great place called Pigtails and Crewcuts. He was given his choice of seats. He choose the airplane chair. He sat very still and was such a good boy. The women that cut his hair was very nice. It is a bit shorter than I typically cut it, but it will grow. Bryce looks a lot older with his hair this short.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
What an Angel
Monday, February 23, 2009
Faith 4 Months
Faith is doing great. At her 4 month check she weighed 13 lbs 5 oz, and was 25 inches long. She is in the 50th and 75th percentiles respectively. The doctor said she is doing great. At this visit she received 4 shots, plus one oral vaccine. Unfortunately she didn't react very well to them. The night she received the vaccines she woke up at 2 am with a 103.4 temp. Thankfully, after my frantic call to the doctor, we were told just to watch her closely and bring her in only if her fever went up more or if her demeanor changed. By morning her fever was down to 101.
Faith is able to scoot around on her play mate, both in circles and straight forward. She can scoot herself about a foot forward. I'm afraid she might be an early crawler.
Last week she started to enjoy peak a boo. I hold her feet up in front of my face so she can't see me. When I separate her feet and say peak a boo she giggles and smiles.
She has still been waking up three times to eat. She has also started waking up some nights more often and I have to go into her room and put the binky in her mouth so she will go back to sleep. Last night she was up 7 times. I'm hoping this is a short lived phase.
She is still cat napping throughout the day. I can typically count on her to take a nap around 9:30 ish, again around 1 and another nap later in the afternoon. Sometimes she also naps between her morning and 1 o'clock nap. Each nap is only about 30 minutes. I'm still hoping to get her on more of a schedule during the day with two longer naps. However, with the cold she had last month, having Trey and Mandy in town for a week, and now recovering from her shots it hasn't happened.
She is noticing Bryce more and more and really likes it when he sits with her and talks to her. It is so cute.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Playing with Mandy
We went down to San Jose to pick up Mandy. Juli and Clay were heading off on their first vacation alone in 10 years and we agreed to watch Mandy.
Bryce was having fun wearing the tutu and fairy wings that I bought Mandy.
Faith was wishing she could have a real ice cream instead of licking Mandy's plastic ice cream.
The three kids enjoyed a bath together. The "big" kids helped to bathe Faith.
Nanny and Pawka took Trey camping for a couple of nights while we kept Mandy. When they returned, Mandy went to stay with them. We spent our days at Nanny and Pawka's so the kids could play. Pawka enjoyed a quiet moment reading to the kids.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Faith 3 1/2 Months

Faith is now giggling a lot. She giggles on the changing table, when you smile at her and when you tickle her. She is also very smiley and social. She is "talking" more and more and is very alert.
Faith is now going to bed at 7:30, right after we put Bryce down. She doesn't get up for the day until around 7:30, sometimes later if Bryce lets her sleep. With Faith going down earlier, she now wakes up an average of three times a night to eat, which still isn't too bad. I was working on sleep training her in order to start cutting night-time feedings out, but then she got a cold. I had to bring her back into our room so we could keep a close eye on her.
For the past week she has been back in her own room, however she has been waking up and fussing a lot. Because of all the fussing, by the middle of the night I am normally so tired that I bring her back into our room to sleep in the co-sleeper. Last night she finally stayed the whole night in her own room. I only got up twice to feed her. She woke up a few other times and fussed for a couple of minutes but was able to calm herself down and go back to sleep. I will be trying to reinforce this in an effort to sleep train her. Because of getting a cold, my hopes for getting her on a daytime schedule with consistent naps hasn't happened.
Faith rolled from her stomach to her back twice on the 21st of January. She rolled over again from her back to her stomach last night. She really likes tummy time now. We also got out the exersaucer. She can't turn herself around in it yet, as she can barley reach the floor and isn't that coordinated, but she does like to sit in it and look at the toys.
Both of Faith's eyes are finally normal. No more clogged tear ducts.
Faith is finally big enough to wear her little sister shirt. Bryce has been wearing his big brother shirt since Faith was born. Now they can wear them together.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Bryce 2 Years 7 Months

Bryce's latest thing is asking why? He asks us why repeatedly and for very obvious things. For example, I'll ask him to sit in his chair to eat lunch and he'll ask why. Or, I'll ask him to take off his pants when we go into the bathroom to go potty and he'll ask why. I know it is a completely normal thing for kids to do, but it gets a little old.
We finally have Bryce sleeping in his own bed all night long. Faith spent the night in her own room for the first time on January 23rd. My goal was to make Bryce stay in his room all night as soon as we moved Faith. However, Bryce ended up getting a really bad cold so I had to delay things a week. With Faith doing so well in her own room, we finally told Bryce that he couldn't come into our bed until the morning. We first did this on Saturday the 31st. I wanted to do it on a weekend night so Nathan could help if he gave us a hard time. Surprisingly the first night he woke up only once. He cried for about 15 minutes and then finally got back into his own bed once he realized we were serious. The second night he woke up twice and cried, but each time it was only for a few minutes. Hopefully each night will keep getting better.
Bryce has been on an every other day nap schedule. For some reason he hasn't been napping two days in a row. When he doesn't nap, he is still spending at least an hour and a half in his room sitting quietly or reading books.
For the majority of the past month Bryce's behavior really improved. However, the last week he has not been listening, telling us no, and purposefully doing things he knows he is not supposed to do. I'm not sure if he is acting out again to re-test the boundaries or if it is because he was getting over a cold and Faith and I were both sick. We keep trying to be really consistent in giving him timeouts and taking fun activities away from him as consequences.
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