Faith is doing great. At her 4 month check she weighed 13 lbs 5 oz, and was 25 inches long. She is in the 50th and 75th percentiles respectively. The doctor said she is doing great. At this visit she received 4 shots, plus one oral vaccine. Unfortunately she didn't react very well to them. The night she received the vaccines she woke up at 2 am with a 103.4 temp. Thankfully, after my frantic call to the doctor, we were told just to watch her closely and bring her in only if her fever went up more or if her demeanor changed. By morning her fever was down to 101.
Faith is able to scoot around on her play mate, both in circles and straight forward. She can scoot herself about a foot forward. I'm afraid she might be an early crawler.
Last week she started to enjoy peak a boo. I hold her feet up in front of my face so she can't see me. When I separate her feet and say peak a boo she giggles and smiles.
She has still been waking up three times to eat. She has also started waking up some nights more often and I have to go into her room and put the binky in her mouth so she will go back to sleep. Last night she was up 7 times. I'm hoping this is a short lived phase.
She is still cat napping throughout the day. I can typically count on her to take a nap around 9:30 ish, again around 1 and another nap later in the afternoon. Sometimes she also naps between her morning and 1 o'clock nap. Each nap is only about 30 minutes. I'm still hoping to get her on more of a schedule during the day with two longer naps. However, with the cold she had last month, having Trey and Mandy in town for a week, and now recovering from her shots it hasn't happened.
She is noticing Bryce more and more and really likes it when he sits with her and talks to her. It is so cute.
1 comment:
She really is beautiful baby. I hope her sleep patterns become more regular for you. Sleep deprivation is difficult.
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