On June 3 Faith's two front bottom teeth popped through. I was feeding her puffs and felt something sharp against my finger. Sure enough two teeth were poking out just above the gum line. She hadn't been fussy or drooling anymore than usual so I wasn't expecting this.
She is crawling all over the place and starting to get into Bryce's stuff. We now have to be really careful about what toys are left laying on the floor, as everything goes into her mouth.
Her hair seems to be getting more and more red and still sticks straight up no matter what I do. People comment on how cute it is all the time. I just hope once it gets longer and thicker it will cooperate.
Faith is a great eater. For the most part she is still eating pureed foods along with a few fruits like blueberries and bananas. She also loves crackers. When she eats, she gets really into it and food ends up all over her, the chair and the floor. When you ask her if she wants food and do the sign for it, she gets a big smile on her face. She also smacks her lips.
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