Faith is doing great. This past month she has started to communicate even more. She is signing more, and will shake her head yes or no to just about any question. However, more often than not she will tell you no. Some of her new signs include please, birdie and thank you.
She is one tough cookie. Bryce likes to get low to the ground, grab Faith around her middle, or sometimes her neck, and wrestle with her. She often falls to the ground with a loud thud, but doesn't cry. She just rolls over and wrestles with him. We try to encourage Bryce to wrestle with her gently, since she is such a peanut, but it doesn't often happen.
Faith is still throwing some good fits as you can see from the picture. Thankfully once she screams for a couple of minutes she normally reverts back to her happy self quickly.
She is really loving playing with her new doll and stroller. She pushes it all around the house. She also loves playing with whatever Bryce happens to be playing with.
Her feeding and nap schedule hasn't changed in the last month. Thankfully she still eats whatever I put in front of her. She is getting better at using her spoon. She still uses her hand a lot, even with things like cereal w/ milk, yogurt, and soup, but we're encouraging more use of the spoon.
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