Bryce so far has been handling tax season much better this year. He still misses Nathan a lot, but his behavior hasn't suffered on a account of Nathan being gone like it did last year. He still has his normal fits, and he is whining a lot, but nothing out of the ordinary.
His naps are almost non-existent. He'll nap once a week on average now. I actually prefer it when he doesn't nap. He has been pretty good about staying in his room for around an hour for quiet time. Sometimes it is a struggle to make him play quietly on his own, but I try to explain that I need the time to work. My goal is still two-hours of quiet time, but that rarely happens.
I've completely cut dairy out of his diet. I wanted to see if this would make a difference in his digestion. It seems to have really helped. He really likes Almond Milk, and replacing dairy cheese and yogurt with soy hasn't been an issue. The couple of times that he has had dairy, his digestion gets off. I am convinced he is lactose intolerant, just like me.
Bryce is becoming a little better at trying new foods. We still have the rule that if I make something I know he isn't fond of he has to try 5 bites. He is doing this with less fuss than in the past. I'm hoping after trying things several times that he'll actually learn to like more things.
He is still really enjoying playing with Toy Story, Peter Pan, and Cars toys. He is also liking to read books more and more. He is continuing to do really well with his letters and numbers. He is recognizing more and more lowercase letters and all the numbers.
Bryce continues to thrive at school. He is back to playing with Dax and Garrett. He is also playing with Andrew a lot. So far there has been no more incidents of misbehavior. Bryce also keeps talking about a little girl named Sienna. I think he has a crush on her. She is a very pretty little girl.
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