Faith is hooked on her "hi" (phone). She walks around saying "Auntie hi" all the time. This means she wants to have a phone and call auntie.
She is still really loving music and dancing. She likes to get her instruments out and play along with the music. Her head bops up and down too. She will try and mimic your movements, sway her arms back and forth, and spin.
She also is really enjoying playing with her dolls. She likes to nurse them. She pulls her shirt up or takes it off completely, says "nurse, milk" and gives her babies milk. When she is finished she says, "pat, burp" and gently pats her baby's back. It is very cute.
At night when she finishes nursing, and often before naps she has learned to ask for cuddles to prolong going to bed. Of course I can't turn her down when she looks at me with those big blue eyes, nuzzles up against me and says, "cuddles." I have to give in and cuddle for just a couple of minutes.
Faith's personality is becoming more and more pronounced. Majority of the time she is very sweet and loving. She likes to cuddle, sit and read stories, and play. However, when she isn't happy about something she doesn't hold back from expressing her opinion. She yells, screams "No", throws herself to the ground, and will resort to biting or hitting on occasion. She is also very smart and has figured out how to be extra cute to try and get what she wants. We call her a little pistol and often say it is a good thing she is cute. I don't remember Bryce having this type of deliberate behavior so young. She has been getting timeouts for a few months now. Sometimes I've gone so far as to put her in her crib until she can be nice.
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