Bryce has become quite the swimmer this summer. While he has been swimming without a life jacket or tubbie for over a year, he has made tremendous progress this summer. He can dive down to the bottom of the pool and pick up dive sticks. Sometimes it take a few tries, but he can normally get it. He can also swim the length of the pool, and loves to see how big of a splash he can make when he jumps. He likes to yell cannonball when he jumps regardless of whether or not he is doing a cannonball, belly flop, or jumping straight in.
He has also been enjoying his trampoline a lot. He loves to play tackle with Faith and bounce her down. Thankfully she is one tough cookie and can handle the rough play.
Bryce has been hooked on the show Franklin. Last year he took a Franklin stuffed animal home from preschool for a couple of nights. Since then he has loved Franklin. I finally thought to record a bunch of episodes. He watches a couple everyday while Faith naps. While I'd like for him to not watch so much TV, it is also nice because it allows me some time to work without worrying about him or having to give him a lot of attention.
Bryce has been having a rough summer as far as his behavior. He is acting out a lot, yelling, and being deliberately disobedient. We have tried to be very consistent, but with the craziness of life - moving, me working so much, vacations, family visiting, etc. it has been hard. When he gets in one of his moods, nothing we do seems to help. We try warning him, giving him a timeout, and taking toys away. However, when he really escalates the only thing that seems to work is a spanking. Recently when we've spanked him he tells us that spankings don't work that they just make him act worse and that they don't hurt. However he also asks if I can give the spanking because apparently I don't do it as hard as daddy. Once he gets a spanking we normally see a huge change in his attitude for the rest of the day.
These pictures were taken during a visit to Doran Beach during my Uncle Kim's visit.
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