It dawned on me a couple of weeks ago that I haven't seen Bryce suck his thumb in a very long time. I'm not exactly sure when he gave it up, but it appears that he isn't even sucking it when he goes to sleep. I'm glad I never stressed over him sucking his thumb, knowing that he'd give it up when he was ready.
He has finally settled into going to school. He doesn't throw fits about getting ready to leave for school, is happy when I drop him off, and comes home excited about his day. He is even participating in the art projects.
His behavior has also greatly improved. I think so much of his behavior has to do with stress for him and he gets very stressed over change and new situations. Now that life has settled into a comfortable routine he is doing much better.
he is really starting to sound out words and spell simple words like dog, pop, cat, bat, etc. Academically he will definitely be ready for Kindergarten.
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