For the past couple of weeks Bryce has had fabulous behavior. He is so excited to be turning 5.
I've always told him that when he turned 5 he could chew gum. When I gave him his first piece I told him not to swallow it. The poor guy didn't understand me and was saving up all the spit in his mouth, afraid to swallow until he finally asked me if it was okay to swallow just the spit.
He is still very into dinosaurs.
For his birthday, we went to see Cars 2 in 3D, out to Fresh Choice for dinner, to the Disney store, and finally home to open presents. It was a wonderful way to celebrate his big day.
At his 5 year check he was 44 inches, which is the 90-95% and 43 pounds. Dr. Wold said he is doing great.
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