Faith is getting very anxious to start a ballet class. We were hoping she could start in September, but just found out the school won't take her until she is 3. She is dancing around the house, in stores, or wherever we go move than ever. She keeps reminding me that when she turns three she gets to do her ballerina class.
She is also getting very excited to start preschool. Since Bryce began Kindergarten she asks daily if she gets to go. We were planning on her being at school just for the 9-12 Tues/Thurs preschool program, but she is insisting on staying for lunch until 1. Bryce didn't start staying until half way through his first year in the back class (3 year old class). I guess we are going to have to let her stay since she wants to so bad.
Faith recently discovered Olivia, a show on Nick Jr. about a little pig. It is a cute show and she keeps talking about it. Besides Veggie Tales this is the first show she has really enjoyed and asks to watch.
Faith continues to have a lot of fits. When you tell her that she will have a consequence if she continues a certain behavior she says something like, "well if you do that then I will hit, bite, climb on the counter and get my toy, etc." We always though Bryce was the strong-willed one, but she by far outdoes him in this regard. We continue to try and be firm with her, but sometimes nothing works. When she gets in a mood you have to let it play out because there is no talking her down.
She is smart as a whip. She knows her days of the week, can count to 20, knows her ABCs, knows she lives on Wilshire Dr. in Santa Rosa, and can write the letter F. Now that Bryce is in school and will have homework, I'm guessing she'll want homework too. If she does homework, keeps playing with Bryce's V-Reader, and watches the Letter Factory and the Word Factory she'll be reading when she is 4.
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