Faith is starting to give up naps. She naps about 50% of the time. The issue now is that when she naps she wakes up grumpy. When she doesn't nap, she often has a night-terror and is grumpy in the evening. We are in that weird no win, transition stage. I'd love it if she keeps napping for a while so that I can continue to have one on one time with Bryce in the afternoons and/or get some of my own stuff done.
Now that she is settled into her own room, she has started sleeping through the night again She still comes into our room most morning between 6-6:30 wanting to cuddle, which we let her do.
I can't get her to wear anything other than a dress. She is even particular about what dresses she will wear. They have to have adequate twirl capabilities. If they don't twirl enough she won't wear them, as ballerinas must be able to twirl.
She is starting to be able to blend a few double consonant words, but most of the time she still says stuff like "nail" for "snail", "mall" for "small" etc.
Baby dolls are still her favorite things to play with. She is such a good mommy. Sometimes, as she is supposed to be going to sleep she will scream for me because she wants to make sure I'm taking care of her babies appropriately. She tells me to remember to lift up my shirt and feed them, rock them, not to be too loud if they are sleeping, or some other important instruction.
She is still attached to her binky and yai-yai, although we are being really firm about them staying in her bed. Some days she still fights us on this, but most of the time she cooperates without much fuss.
She is still as head strong as ever. Once she gets her mind settled on something, good or bad, there is no stopping her.
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