At Bryce's 2.5 year doctor's appointment he weighed 31 pounds ( 63 percentile) and was 3 ft 1.25 inches (74 percentile).
After a few weeks of struggling with taking a nap Bryce is now back to napping fairly regularly - thank God. We let him read books at nap time and he often falls asleep on the floor or on his couch with a book.
His behavior has also really improved over the last couple of weeks. It is rare that he hits Faith and he is starting to listen to us a little more. He still has a ways to go towards behaving as good as he did before Faith was born, but at this point he is manageable.
We converted his crib to a toddler bed. He really thinks he is a big boy now. He calls his bed a "taaadler bed". Before converting his crib, he didn't want to sleep under blankets or use a pillow, now he does both. He is still coming into our room every night sometimes between midnight and 5am. Instead of having to get up out of bed and go get him when he wakes up, we've started leaving the gate open on his door so that he can come into our room on his own. We have got to break him of this habit soon. I think once we move Faith into her own room we'll insist he stays in his room. I just hate the thought of telling him that he can't be in our room when he knows Faith is in our room.
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