Faith turned three months old today. The first three months has flown by. Faith is a very happy baby. For the most part, she only cries when she is hungry, tired (her cry when she is tired is very distinct) or when she wants people to talk with her (she really likes attention). She loves to smile and coo at you.
She can now grab hold of her toys and either shakes them or puts them in her mouth. On the 18th she rolled over for the first time from her back to her stomach. After she rolled over she started crying. She surprised herself and didn't really want to be on her stomach. She doesn't enjoy tummy time very much. However, when she is on her stomach she can push up on her arms and get her head completely off the floor. She also kicks her legs and can pivot herself around.
She is still waking up twice a night. Currently she wakes up around 1 am and again around 5 am. For the past couple of nights I've been putting her to be around 8:30 instead of putting her to bed when I go to bed. She has gone to sleep without any problem. Once a night time routine is established I'm going to work on establishing a nap time routine. Right now she naps on and off throughout the day. I'd love to get her on a morning and afternoon nap schedule, hopefully one that corresponds with Bryce's nap.
Her left tear duct is still clogged. Hopefully this will go away very soon. It doesn't seem to bother her, but it doesn't look very pretty. The back of her had looks as if we shaved a big patch from her rubbing her head back and forth. With Bryce this was never very noticeable because his whole head was practicably bald. Since Faith has a fair amount of dark hair you really notice it.
Faith giggled for the first time today. She way laying on her changing table, looked up at me, and let out the cutest light laugh. I thought maybe it was fluke, but she giggled three more times at Nanny and Pawka's house this afternoon.
Bryce is typically really sweet with Faith now. He tries to give her a binkie when she cries and likes to lay down next to her and cuddle.
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