Tax season is hitting Bryce hard this year. He is old enough to understand and realize that Daddy is gone all the time, but not old enough to understand that Daddy would rather be home playing than working so much. About a week ago Bryce was acting up after we put him to bed. Nathan went up to check on him and asked him if he was upset because he was working so much. Bryce welled up and said yes. A couple of days ago Bryce told me he was mad that Daddy was working so much. We keep telling him that Daddy is working so much because it is tax season and that once it is over Daddy will take a few days off of work to stay home and play.
Nathan has been trying to come home for about an hour at dinner to eat, play and help put the kids to bed. When Nathan comes home, Bryce's favorite game is hide and seek. He likes to hide while Nathan counts. As soon as Nathan starts looking for him he jumps out of the hall closet (he always hides there) and says, "here I am, I'm right here." Nathan pretends to not see him for a little while. When he finally acknowledges him, he picks Bryce up and throws him into the air. Bryce loves it!
We've started to notice that Bryce finishes all words ending in "ing" with "ning." For example, he'll say, "What are you doning." It is quite cute. He has also picked up some of my sayings. When he asks for something and I tell him no, and then he keeps asking for it, I often say, "We'll talk about it later" hoping he'll forget. Now he'll tell me, "We'll talk about it after I have a drink, or after I do ____".
He is still doing very well with Faith. He likes to make her laugh. When he jumps up and down Faith watches him intently and giggles. He also likes to give her kisses, lay down with her and give her cuddles, and tells me that when Faith is bigger he is going to teach her to play hide and seek and that she will throw him up in the air.
Lately life has seemed hectic with activities scheduled 5 days a week. I decided to stop taking Bryce to the Toddler's Playgroup on Thursdays. This will give us one weekday with no plans. It should be nice. Originally I really needed to two mornings a week without him to get my errands done. I've now adjusted and don't have a problem taking Bryce and Faith to the store.
I've also been doing a lot of research on preschools. We are still waiting to find out what class he got into at Brush Creek Nursery School. We've been on the waiting list since last May (the earliest you can put your child on the list). We're number 14 on the list. If he doesn't get into their Tues/Thurs morning class I think I'll take him somewhere else. Right now I'm considering a preschool called Hidden Valley Community Preschool and the Santa Rosa Cooperative Preschool, which is a parent participation school. The Cooperative school also feeds into a Charter School that I'm looking into for grade school. My mom and I toured Hidden Valley yesterday and will go to Santa Rosa Cooperative Preschool tomorrow. We won't know about Brush Creek until the 21st when we go tour there. Choosing a preschool is not an easy task. There is so much to consider - academics and teaching styles, social aspects, learning and discipline philosophies, whether or not they do fun projects like cooking, school location, school facilities, tuition costs, parent involvement hours, etc. The one thing that has helped me narrow down schools is that we want him in a school that is primarily a preschool with limited daycare. There are only a few schools in Santa Rosa that aren't preschool/daycare combos. I'll be happy when this process is over.
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