Faith is now rolling back and forth with ease. If you lay her on her back within 30 seconds she will roll over. This morning she rolled from her back to her stomach to her back again and ended up hitting her head on the wood floor. She was a bit shocked to hit hard floor rather than the soft mat she is used to.
She sat up by herself for the first time on the 19th. It only lasted a minute or two before she fell over.
She is still waking up 2 - 3 times a night to eat. The last several nights I've only feed her twice - hopefully we don't go back to 3 times. Everyone once in a while she has a bad night and I have to go in a couple of times to give her her binky and calm her down. She often wakes up around 6 or 6:30 and for fear of her waking Bryce up if we let her cry, I bring her into our bed for some cuddle time. Sometimes she falls back to sleep for another hour or so.
Faith is starting to scoot around on the ground. She can wiggle her way off her play mat and turn herself in different directions. She also really enjoys her exersaucer.
This past month she has also found her feet. She likes to pull at her socks.
After loosing most of the dark hair she was born with, over the last two or three weeks, it has really started to come in. Now the color is more of a light brown with lots of red highlights.
She is still a very happy baby.
I can't believe how quickly she is changing and growing up. I thought the time with Bryce went fast, but time with Faith seems to be flying even quicker. I feel like just yesterday she was a new-born and now she is an active baby.
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