Bryce has become quite the swimmer over the last couple of months. He is able to doggie paddle for a very long time, do "big arms" (breast stroke) across the pool, take breathes, jump and swim the the ladder, float on his back, and with a little assistance, dive for rings. He has been taking twice weekly swim lessons at the YMCA for the past three months. Next session he will move up to the next level.
He is continuing to nap very sporadically. On average he probably naps 3 times a week. This makes planning very difficult. When he naps, he stays up until 8 or 8:30, however when he doesn't he is cranky so he goes to bed at 7 or 7:30. Sometimes, regardless if he has taken a nap or not, it takes him over an hour to finally fall asleep at night. I feel like he is getting overly tired, but can't shut his mind down enough to let himself fall asleep. The doctor said we are already doing everything we can to help him relax - a bedtime routine of stories, a blessing and prayer, lots of exercise during the day, including swimming which is supposed to help, and not giving him candy or other sweets or caffeine.
His behavior has been up and down. We have been trying to let some things slide, not knowing how much is attributed to loosing Pawka and having his life in an upheaval. Most days he is really sweet, but sometimes he just gets in these awful mood where nothing you say or do pulls him out. He yells, tries to hit, and sometimes tells me "bad mommy" a wonderful saying he learned from Mandy. He knows that bad behavior has bad consequences (time outs, toys being taken, not getting to do fun things like go to the park, etc.) and that he gets good things when he behaves well. Even knowing these things he has still been acting out quite a bit.
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