Nanny got smart and asked Faith if she wanted to sleep in a big girl bed. She of course said yes. We put a folded twin sheet on her bed and used her crib comforter and a blanket and now she is happy to have blankets in her bed. We no longer have to double-up her pjs and she stays plenty warm. This, along with a few really rough nights of insisting she sleep in her own bed really helped. Now the rule is she can only come in our bed for cuddle time in the mornings. She still wakes up around 5 am most mornings screaming, "Mommy come get me", but I make her lay back down and she goes to sleep without much fuss.
Faith is fairly hit and miss with potty training. She rarely goes poop in her pull-ups, but pees often in them. This is partly our fault as we haven't been very diligent in taking her to the bathroom. There has even been times when she'll tell me she has to go and we'll be out or really busy and I'll tell her to just pee in her pull-up.
Faith has really been enjoying playing with her baby dolls. She continues to change, feed, burp, and soothe them when they cry. She even makes pretend crying noses then tells the baby its ok, shh.
Faith has started to become very into doing things on her own. She wants to climb into the car and buckle her own seat belt, get dressed (this includes picking out her own clothes), brush her own hair and teeth, wash her own hands, etc. While sometimes this is wonderful, letting her do these things can take a long time, and the end result is sometimes very interesting. She likes wash her hands in the "cold sink" (the water in the downstairs bathroom takes a long time to heat up) by herself. This would be just fine if she didn't use multiple squirts of soap, drip water all over the floor and counter, and throw the clean towels on the floor when she is finished. When you ask her about the mess she says, "It happens" and shrugs her shoulders like its no big deal.
Her vocabulary continues to amaze me. She has mastered concepts that many 3 and 4 year old don't have down correctly. She also is trying to write letters already. While none of the letters actually look like letters she writes in the lines and goes from left to right using both of her hands equally well.
Faith is down to just one nap a day. She had been taking a morning nap a few times a week, but with the busy holidays, I cut her down to just her afternoon nap. Sometimes she is still a little fussy, but she can make it until after lunch.