Bryce's behavior has been very good lately. It has been over a month since he has had behavior that warranted a spanking. I hope this lasts, as he is so much more pleasant to be around when he is behaving well.
Bryce has started to take an interest in learning to write his letters and numbers. He has a practice board that uses dry erase markers on a clear plastic sheet with work pages that you can switch behind the plastic. He has been doing remarkably well, but he is such a perfectionist that anytime he makes event he slightly mistake he gets very upset. We are trying to help him to hold his pen correctly, but he won't allow us to help him very much.
Bryce is doing really well in his Little Kickers soccer class. He is following directions, learning to dribble with both feet, learning balancing skills, and other techniques. It has been fun watching him. Anytime he does something well, he looks at me and gives me a thumbs up sign. Jackson Hermsmeyer is in the class with him and Hunter Mueller is in the class next to his, so that has been fun too.
Bryce has gotten away from his Franklin craze. Now he is really liking Little Bear and his Leap Frog Letter movie. He has pretty much mastered the basic sounds all the letters make thanks to this movie. He has also started playing his Boggle Jr. game and wants to sound out simple words. I love that he is starting to want to learn more and that he is willing to branch out and play different types of games.
We are in the process of looking into Kindergarten's at public and private schools for him next year. This is so difficult. We see pros and cons to public and private schools and just want so badly to make the right choice for him. We also worry because he had such a rough time adjusting to being back at Brush Creek this year and worry about his new teacher and their ability to handle it if he has the same issues with going to Kindergarten.
One afternoon while Nathan and I were out and Nanny was watching Bryce, he said something very funny. He was having trouble going to the bathroom and was complaining that his poop wouldn't come out. Nanny told him to sit there for a little while. When she went back he had done his business and he told her, "I figured it out. There were two poops that were trying to come out at the same time. They realized that they had to take turns." So funny!
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