Monday, November 22, 2010

Faith 2 Years 1 Month

Faith's mind has started to go faster than she can form the words. Just a few weeks ago her sentences were very clear without saying "um." Now when she talks, especially if she is excited or has a lot to tell you, she says, "um, um, um" many times while she is trying to spit the words out. I know that all kids go through this, but it is so funny since she used to talk so clearly.

Faith is enjoying going to Patty and Jackie's. She normally cries when I leave, but stops just a minute after. It is mostly for show. She gets excited when I tell her she gets to go and is always happy to see me when I pick her up. She likes the kids that are younger than her. She likes to take care of them.

She is really enjoying playing with her dolls. She likes to change them and wipes their bums when they go potty. She nurses them, feeds, them, and plays so sweetly with them. Most of the time her babies' names are Cole and Kira.

Faith has started to go to the bathroom on the potty more frequently. I've let her wear training panties around the house a few times, but she has accidents a lot. I think mentally she might be ready for potty training, but I'm not sure her bladder is ready. Even when she goes pee on the potty she only pees about a Tbsp and then has to go again in 10 or 15 minutes or has an accident.

She started this new thing where she grabs a church directory out of the drawer and a piece of paper and something to write with. She looks at the directory and runs her finger under a line of text them pretends to copy what she sees onto the paper. She looks back and forth between the directory and her paper as if she is very intent on copying it just right. She says she is doing her email work. She holds her pencil correctly when she does this.

It seems like Faith is waking up at least half of the week in the middle of the night. Once she wakes up it is very hard to get her to go back to sleep in her crib. This is partly our fault since we don't like for her to cry for fear that she'll wake up Bryce. For a while she was doing so well with sleeping. I think she might be waking up now because she is cold. Without heat upstairs it gets very cold at night, especially since we keep the kids' door shut at night. Faith will not allow blankets in her bed so we double up her pjs, but her hands are still ice cold when she wakes up in the middle of the night.

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