Faith is back to sleeping through the night again! When we moved back home from Nanny's I let her cry it out for a couple of nights. Now I don't hear a peep from her until 7 ish. It is great. I feel so much more rested.
I'm trying to cut down her nursing. She is typically still nursing 4 times a day - once when she wakes up, before each of her two naps, and again before bed. She asks for milk frequently throughout the day, but I don't give it to her. For the past few days, I have cut out her feeding prior to her first nap. So far she is not putting up too big a fight over this. I'd like to cut her back to just morning and night within the next month, and then gradually wean her completely. The only problem is that she won't drink milk from a bottle or sippy cup. I've tried breast milk, cow milk, soy milk with vanilla flavoring, and formula. At least she eats plenty of yogurt and cheese. She also gets milk in her cereal and oatmeal.
Faith is getting more and more attached to her binky and lovey. She likes one lovey in particular, a pink one with a bear's head, but any lovey will do. She gets upset when I make her leave them in her bed. I'm trying to only allow her to have the binky when she is in bed or in the car. I want to try and avoid her having it in all the time, especially when she really starts talking.
Faith has added to her vocabulary. She now signs hurt, pats the ground when she wants you to come and play with her, and said "shh" for shoes. She understand everything you say to her, and can follow directions when she decides to cooperate.
We started Music Together class again. Faith is really enjoying it. She participates a little more at this age than Bryce did. He was more into observing, while she rocks back and forth to the beat and does some of the hand gestures.
Another bottom tooth came through earlier this month. Now she just has one more bottom tooth and two top teeth that need to come in. Then no more teething until her 2-year old molars.
At her 15 month check Faith weighed 20 lbs 0 oz, fully clothed, including shoes. This puts her in about the 15% for weight. She was 30.25 inches tall, which is in about the 50%. Her head circumference was in about the 25%.