It is hard to believe that he is now closer to being 4 than 3. That seems so big to me. He is starting to get a pudginess back to his face, which helps him not to look too grown up, but everything else about him seems to be heading towards being a big boy. Sometimes he likes to be a big boy and is happy to get dressed, go potty, put his shoes and socks on, clean up after himself when he gets down from the table, feed himself, etc. Other times he tells us he can't do things and whines until we help him. I think he mostly wants help when he feels like he needs extra attention or when Faith is doing something that requires my attention.
Bryce has been so sweet lately. He has been listening, following directions, and being such a joy to be around. When he starts to have a behavioral issue he quickly changes his attitude. He has had very few time-outs and has been so fun to be around. I love it. He has also been extremely sweet to Nanny, giving her loves and cuddles.
Bryce got all the Toy Story characters for Christmas and is even more hooked than before. I thought he would like the larger sized figures best, but he tends to play with his little figurine set the most. His favorites are Buzz, Woody, Zurg, and "Small Little Bo Peep" as he calls her. He often plays with this set and his Peter Pan set at the same time. Tinker Bell and Buzz have races to see who can fly faster.
We have a new rule with dinner. If I make something new, or something I don't think he likes, he has to have 5 bites and then I'll give him something else like mac n cheese, chicken nuggets (which he just started to eat) or a sandwich. I don't want food to become a major battle ground, but I also think he should try new things. So far it seems to be working okay. We often have to feed him his 5 bites because he will tell us he can't do it. Funny how he has no problem eating the stuff he likes on his own.
Naps are still hit and miss. I'd say he naps about 3 days a week. This just makes planning so tough. He is getting better about staying in his room for quiet time if he doesn't fall asleep.
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