We divided Christmas a little different this year. The weekend before Christmas we went to Grammy and Gramps' house to celebrate with them. It was wonderful being able to spend some quality time with them and Hannah without having to worry about rushing off to go someplace else. The kids had a great time.
Christmas Eve the Garcia's, Tom and Julie all came to my mom's house for the afternoon. We had appetizers and opened presents first. The boys each got bikes. Mason got a bike meant to teach balance. It doesn't have pedals. Bryce got a big-boy bike with training wheels. Faith got money to go towards lessons. Nathan and I were given a couple's massage at Silverado Country Club - this will be very nice. After presents, we quickly got dinner on the table - delicious black bean soup that Tom and Juli brought, a salad and french and corn bread. Yummy. Unfortunately dinner was a little rushed because we didn't want to be late for church. Tom and Julie went with us which was great. After church we came back to my mom's and had dessert.
Christmas morning waking up at my mom's was great. It was so nice not to have to pile in the car and go anywhere. The kids were able to stay in their pj's and not feel rushed. The kids opened up their stockings first. Next they got to see what Santa brought them. Next we had a wonderful breakfast and then opened gifts. Bryce wasted no time opening his gifts. He was very into it. Faith took her sweet time. After everyone was finished, she still had several left to open. She opened them throughout the rest of the day. The rest of the morning was spent relaxing and playing with new toys.
I think by nap time, the kids were tuckered out. Bryce took some of his favorite new Toy Story characters to sleep with him.
That afternoon we played with more new toys and helped get dinner ready. We had a wonderful Christmas dinner.
Once again Bryce and Faith received more gifts than any two kids need. Among Bryce's favorites were his bike, Toy Story Characters (the big ones and the little figurines), Buzz Lightyear wings, and his Little Mermaid doll. Faith loved her baby, music set, necklaces, cd player, and books the most.
This Christmas was tough not having Pawka. He was missed a hundred times throughout the day and during the entire Christmas season. Not having him there really makes you value the time you do get to spend with family and to cherish every moment.
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