We spent our last morning on Oahu cleaning up the room, re-packing and admiring the view from our room one last time.
The concierge told us they'd have a taxi or limo waiting for us to take us to the airport. We thought he was joking about the limo. Sure enough a limo was waiting for us. Even though the limo was old, it was still fun and it cost the same as a taxi.
We got the the airport over an hour before our flight. While we waited to board, the kids watched the planes and we enjoyed Starbucks and a muffin. The plane ride was only about 40 minutes gate to gate. Faith spent most of her time cleaning with a baby wipe. Bryce was content to look out the window as we passed over Molokai and Lanai. When we arrived in Maui we took a shuttle to get our rental car. When Nathan was putting the car seats in he noticed that Bryce's latch system strap was missing, it had been ripped off. After an impossibly long wait on hold, being transferred numerous times, and having to call again, we finally talked with someone that was able to locate the strap. They held it for us until our return flight.
After getting the rental car we went to Costco to stock-up on food and then to KMart to buy a port-a-crib for Faith. By the time we arrived at our condo at the Maui Eldorado it was about 3 pm. Our flight landed around 11:45. We were hungry and tired.
As soon as we started to unload the car, Bryce had to go potty. When we flushed the toilet, it was clogged and overflowed all over the floor. Yuck! Nathan found a plunger and unclogged the toilet, but we had to wait for a cleaning crew to come and disinfect the floor. What a fun welcome. After unloading the car and eating lunch we took a quick dip in the pool. Faith then had a late nap and Bryce watched a movie.
That evening we went to Lahaina for their weekly Friday Night Art Night. All of the shops and galleries stay open late and many serve appetizers and drinks. We saw some beautiful artwork of which our favorite was the Peter Lik gallery. We also toured an old mission house by candlelight. The tour guides were dressed in period clothes and acted as though they were the missionaries.
By the time we made it back to the condo it was around 10 and we were all wiped out.
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