Faith continues to be a little pistol. She completely knows when she is doing something she shouldn't. One of her newest things is running away from me as fast as she can as soon as I put her down when we are running errands. Sometimes she makes it halfway across the store before I catch her.
She is talking so much. She is putting 4 and 5 words together at a time. She can also repeat any word back to you. After getting home from Hawaii, if you ask her when she is going she'll tell you "Why - ee". She also learned aloha and ma halo. She continues to love to talk on her "hi" phone. She'll jabber on and on while holding a phone, calculator, or anything that remotely resembles a phone.
Just like Bryce, she is fearless in the water. She wears a tubbie in the pool and can go in all by herself. She likes jumping in and putting her arms straight up while spinning in circles. It is so cute.
She is still nursing before bed, but if I'm not around to put her down she doesn't mind skipping it. I still plan to completely wean her within the next couple of months. I just figure with how little she is, the extra calories and fat can't hurt her.
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