Bryce woke up on his 4th birthday with a terrible headache and a fever of 101.8. He laid on the couch sleeping, staring at the ceiling and watching movies all day. Nathan was going to take the afternoon off work so we could take him to see Toy Story 3. After Nanny and Faith were going to meet us at DePaoli - a great family Italian place where kids can make their own pizzas and eat free on Thursdays (his birthday happened to fall on a Thursday). I felt so bad for him. When I told him we'd have to celebrate another day he sadly looked up at me and asked if we could save him some cake.
Bryce's behavior has continued to be an issue the last few weeks. He gets angry so quickly and doesn't take no for an answer. He also loves to argue. He is a very head strong little boy. I'm hoping his tenacity, unwavering determination, and stubbornness can be channeled into positive things as he gets older. On the other hand, when he is not in a mood, he can be so sweet. He helps with Faith, gives me hugs, tells me how much he loves me, etc.
Bryce is also a very bright boy. He knows all his letters (names and sounds). He can sound out simple words in his mind. He can make letters by putting sticks, pretzels, or other things together to resemble their shapes. He can also count to 20, but sometimes skips 15. He can do simple addition and subtraction in his head with the help of his fingers. He also understands concepts and picks up on things that are well beyond his years. For example, when Nathan had his bicycle accident, Bryce told me that it was a good thing daddy was going to be okay, because if he wasn't then he couldn't go to work and make money. That would mean that I would have to go to work and then he and Faith would have to go somewhere everyday to be watched while I was working. Very insightful.
Bryce is also a sensitive little boy. He doesn't like to watch anything with people being naughty or anything slightly dark or scary. He has me fast forward movies, even movies like Veggie Tales when bad guys are there.
Bryce has a hard time turning his brain off at night, much like I do. He thinks and thinks and runs scenarios over and over and worries about things. At night we often ask God to quiet his mind so he can sleep. Sometimes he lays awake for over 2 hours, even when I know he is exhausted.
Bryce doesn't like to sing or dance because he tells me he is shy. However, he loves attention and being the center of attention (when he chooses to be). He doesn't like being the center of attention unintentionally. He also hates it when he thinks people are laughing at him. I find this strange since when he was younger he had class clown written all over him.
Bryce seems to continue to grasp biblical teachings to a level beyond his years. I love this about him and pray it continues.
He is such a wonderful, special boy. I can't believe we've been blessed to have him in our lives for 4 years. Time flies. I thank God daily for him and pray he grows up to be a man of integrity with a heart for God.
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