Bryce had a Toy Story themed birthday party. As usual, we did a swim party at Nanny's house. This year was much smaller than in years past. The same number of people were invited, but many people happened to be out of town, and others ended up sick the day of the party. I think there were only about 30-40 people, including kids. While it was too bad that some of his closer friends couldn't make it, having less people was nice.
Just like his 3rd birthday party, his party ended up falling on the hottest day in weeks. It was over 90 degrees. The good part about the heat was that the pool was thoroughly enjoyed.
My family convinced me to not go all out on the cake/cupcakes this year. We had so much going on the week prior to his birthday with VBS, a party for a friend at the house the day before Bryce's birthday, and Nathan still sore from his bike accident that it would have just added unneeded stress. So, I simply made a bunch of cupcakes and bought a small Buzz Lightyear cake from Safeway. Bryce was perfectly happy with this and I eliminated a lot of stress.
As usual, he received a lot of wonderful gifts. A big Buzz Lightyear, Tinker Toys, tickets to see Peter Pan 360, Franklin books and a stuffed Franklin and Snail (which he asked for) a stuffed Caterpillar (again he specifically asked for this), tractors, books, a Toy Story poster, chair, sleeping bag, lunch bag and thermos, and much more. As you can see Toy Story was the all around theme.
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