Bryce has suddenly become interested in drawing. It started when we were out to dinner for my birthday. He was given crayons and paper and drew something other than just scribbles. He isn't holding the crayon correctly, but he is now able to draw things that truly look like the object he is trying to create. He is very hard on himself when they don't turn out just right, but he is still enjoying it.
He has also started to get more into art projects in general. He had to make a star badge for his Star Person Week at school, which takes place the second week in January. He glued all sorts of sequence, little pom-poms, beads, and feathers onto the star. He has also been enjoying cutting projects and other artsy things.
Bryce had his first soccer scrimmage a few weeks ago. Only three goals were scored the entire scrimmage. He scored his team's only two goals, and the other team scored one goal. He was very impressed with himself. I was happy to see this since the previous week he was very upset during his class because he had a new teacher, their class was on a new part of the field, and things were just different since he had moved up a level. The next week he scored three goals. He is not afraid to get right in the middle of things, tries to get the ball back from the other team, and loves to score goals. We bought him shin-guards, which he wore for an entire day so that people everywhere we went could see them. He was so cute showing and telling people about them and his soccer class.
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