Faith has once again stopped sleeping through the night. Ever since our Tahoe trip she has been waking up 2-4 times screaming for me. Thankfully all I have to do is give her back her binky and lovey and tuck her in. The bad thing is that while it only takes me a couple of minutes to settle her down, it sometimes takes me over an hour to fall back to sleep. I feel like I have a newborn sometimes with the amount of sleep I'm loosing.
Faith has gone through a growth spurt over the last few weeks. She has gotten taller. Many of her pants no longer fit. I think she is finally in a 24 month or 2T size. The only issue is that her winter wardrobe is all 18-24 month. I really don't want to have to buy a bunch of new clothes. I'm hoping to find enough to fit that we can't wait until Spring for a new wardrobe.
Faith has been using words like "similar", saying "that _______ is similar to ________." She is also saying things like actually, except, and many more words that most 2 year old can't even pronounce let alone use correctly. The only words she consistently misprounces are words that begin with "sp" or "sn" like snow is "no" or spanking is "panking." She can say her "s" sound with many words that begin with "s" and if the "s" is in the middle of the word. Her language skills really are amazing. We are so often astonished at what comes out of her mouth.
We are trying to bribe her with a big girl bed (toddler bed) if she starts to keep her pull-up dry. In the last few weeks she has only gone poop in her pull-up a couple of times during nap, but it is almost always wet. So far she tells us that she wants a big girl bed, but keeps peeing in her pull-up.
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