Bryce continues to be really into Dinosaur Train. He says he might be a Paleontologist when he grows up. He can sing the whole theme song and can tell you facts on at least a dozen different dinosaurs, knows what an herbivore, carnivore and omnivore are, and knows the names for different period of time, such as the Cretaceous period. The amount he absorbs, understands, and can explain is incredible.
He is still really enjoying school. He seems to hang out with the same group of kids, Mason (his best buddy), Andrew, Miles, Garrett, Chloe, Zoey, Maddy (his crush), and Ezmia. Most of these kids stay for respite time so he has really seemed to bond with them. He doesn't like that they won't be at his school next year when they are all in Kindergarten.
Bryce's behavior has been as much of an issue this tax season as it has been in the past. Maybe he understands a little more that Daddy has to work a lot this time of year, but that once its over he can take time off. Maybe having my mom around all the time also helps.
We are still struggling with where to send Bryce to Kindergarten. He had his evaluation at Rincon Valley and did very well. He is performing at age 5-6 in all categories. It was nice to see that it is not just me being prejudice, but that he really is excelling. We have continued to be impressed with what we see at Rincon Valley Christian, but still wonder if we shouldn't start him out in public school. We'll keep thinking on this.
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