It seems crazy that my baby is 2 1/2 years old. While on one hand I'm glad she is half-way to three, as I'm hoping her behavior will improve when she gets out of the terrible twos, but on the other hand I'm sad that she is growing up so quickly.
She still loves to play with her baby dolls. Whenever you ask her what she wants to play, she tells you babies. She lines then up on blankets for naps, feeds them, burps them, wipes off their entire bodies with baby wipes when they poop, and is so loving to them. She likes real babies a lot too. She is always wanting to hold babies at church or when we see Cole and Kira.
She is still doing really well with potty training. She only asks for jelly beans occasionally now. Pull-ups are still a must for nap and bedtime, but during the day she has only had one or two accidents.
She continues to be having sleep issues. She and Bryce can't start off sleeping in the same room because they talk and keep each other up. Bryce is now starting off the night in our bed and we move him into his own bed when we go to sleep. Faith still continues to wake me up screaming 2-4 times a night. Often all I have to do is cover her up or find her binky, but it means I loose out on a lot of sleep.
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