Bryce is totally obsessed with Cars. He asks to watch the movie daily. He is normally only allowed 1 show a day, or about 30 minutes worth of t.v., but when he watches Cars he gets to watch 1/2 the movie.
He only has one Cars t-shirt. I have to wash it a lot. In his 2 year 8 month pictures he is also wearing this shirt. That shows you how much he loves it.
When Nathan comes home for dinner, before heading back to the office, he and Bryce play hide and seek. After Nathan finds Bryce he throws him in the air. This is a highlight of the day for Bryce.
Bryce's naps have been unpredictable since day light savings time started. He'll skip naps for a few days in a row and then take a 3 hour nap. This messes up his night time routine since I can't put him down at normal time if he takes a long nap.
Only going to Toddler Playgroup one day a week is working out really well. This gives us more free time to do other activities or just stay home and play.
Bryce got into the Tuesday/Thursday a.m. class at Brush Creek Nursery School. Now the hard part is deciding if he will go there or Hidden Valley Community Preschool. We've ruled out the Cooperative Preschool for next year. However, this is still a possibility for when he is 4 should we want him to go to the Charter elementary school. Brush Creek is a play-based preschool (ideally we'd like a school that does more academics), but has a wonderful reputation and a play yard that is unbeatable. Hidden Valley does a lot of academics, without pushing it on the kids, but the facility is much smaller and the play yard doesn't compare with Brush Creeks. I think he'd be happy at both schools, but deciding which one is tough.
This past week Bryce has once again started eating a few of the foods he used to love then boycotted, and has tried some new foods as well. I hope this trend continues as it makes meals much easier.
Bryce no longer wears a diaper for nap. He has made it through nap dry for almost a month. He still wears a diaper at night. He typically wakes up about 2 times a week dry, so we are making progress.
Bryce's bottom two-year old molars finally came in. We are still waiting on the top ones. We figured they'd come in early since he started getting teeth at 4 months, and the rest came in quickly after that. I guess two-year old molars don't necessarily follow the same trend. One night Nathan was brushing his teeth and happened to notice that he had new teeth. They didn't give him any trouble coming in. Hopefully upper two-year old molars are just as easy.
Bryce is being very good with Faith. He helps me by giving Faith her binky, talking to her when she cries, making sure Faith doesn't get any of his little cars, and making her laugh.
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