Faith had her 6 month check yesterday. She weighs 15 lbs exactly (this falls somewhere between the 25th and 50th percentiles) and is 27 inches tall (90th percentile). Her head circumference is in the 25th percentile.
The Doctor said she is doing great.
She can sit up very steadily now and rarely falls over. She is able to scoot herself around on the floor, but isn't crawling. She turns herself 360 degrees around and scoots herself completely off of her play mat. She is also starting to reach for everything, including Bryce's toys. He doesn't like it when she gets them because they go straight into her mouth.
I'm working on getting her to take naps in her crib. I have started to let her cry it out. It breaks my heart, but she needs to start taking real naps instead of little cat naps. I put her in her crib around 9 for a morning nap (if we are home) and again around 1 when Bryce goes into his room for nap/quiet time. She sometimes cries on and off for over a hour before falling asleep for 20 or 30 minutes. A few days ago she did take her longest nap ever. She slept for 3 hours in the afternoon. I kept going in to check on her since this was so unusual. Unfortunately it hasn't happened again.
She is still up twice a night to eat. I think I'll give her another month or so of night time feedings before I try and get her to sleep through the night.
She is still very much a happy baby. She loves to laugh and interact with Bryce. It is so fun to watch them together.
Faith is turning into a Mama's girl. She sometimes cries if I leave the room and is definitely starting to be aware of strangers.
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