We had a ladybug themed party for Faith. We decided to have a brunch in order to accommodate nap schedules. We figured that most morning naps would be over and that afternoon naps would not start until 1 or shortly thereafter. We also thought a brunch would be better in case it wasn't BBQ weather. We served six different kinds of frittata, bagels and cream cheese, sweet breads, bear claws, cookies, and a huge fruit salad, along with apple juice, OJ, and mimosas.
Faith had lots of her family and friends there to celebrate. The kids enjoyed playing in the sandbox, jumping on the trampoline, playing on the grass, and surprisingly enough considering the time of year, playing with water guns. The grown-ups enjoyed the unseasonably warm sunny weather.
Unfortunately the morning of her party Bryce woke up with a 103 degree fever. We hoped it was a reaction from the H1N1 vaccine he received two days before, but not knowing we decided to quarantine him in the play room. About half-way through the party he was feeling better and wanted to come out and play. Of course we couldn't let him and risk him getting other kids sick. Bettylou, Auntie Hannah, Grammy, and Nanny took turns playing with him. When it was time to sing Happy Birthday and have cupcakes and ice cream Nanny brought him outside so he could watch and have dessert.
I was hoping that Faith would blow out her own candle since she likes to blow. I guess with all the people watching her and never having experienced a candle before she was too overwhelmed to do it. She did jump right into eating the cake. She ate a lot, but didn't throw it or rub too much in her hair. I was expecting her to do both.
After the party was over and after she had a nap and a snack she opened her gifts. Bryce and Amanda were very interested in the presents and wanted to help. Faith was not very interested in opening them. We had to coax her into opening each one. As soon as she ripped a piece of paper or took out tissue from a gift bag Amanda and Bryce were there to help her finish opening the gifts. She received a number of very nice presents.