After picking Bryce up from school we went home, had lunch and the kids took their naps. Bryce actually slept, which was good.
That night we went to De Paoli, an Italian place in Windsor for dinner. Kids happen to eat free on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and this was a Tuesday. The kids choice mac n' cheese, but they also have a kids meal where they get to make their own pizza. I think Bryce will opt for this next time. We had an excellent dinner. After dinner we walked down the street and got gelato. Bryce shared his with Faith. This was her first taste of chocolate and boy did she like it.
At her 1 year check, which was on the 23rd she weighed 18 lbs 9 oz (15 - 20%) and was 30 inches tall (75%). The doctor said she was doing just great. She also got 5 shots - three vaccines, a flu shot and the H1N1. Poor baby.
Faith is not only walking, but running. She is loving trying to keep up with Bryce. She continues to love books. She brings me books, sits down in my lap, and opens them so that I'll read to her. She is also still enjoying music and dancing. A week or so ago she found Bryce's recorded, picked it up and started to play it. I didn't know a baby her age could even blow. I was amazed.
She is still eating just about anything I put in front of her. She now likes to spoon feed herself. If I get out two spoons so we each have one, she often ends up with them both. If you ask her if she wants to eat she will walk over to her chair. If she is really hungry she walks over without you saying anything and points to her chair and says "this." When she is finished eating she throws her food on the ground and/or rubs it in her hair.
She is back to sleeping through the night. A few nights before my surgery I made her cry it out in the middle of the night. She cried for about 10 minutes each of three nights and then started sleeping through without a problem. Let's hope this continues. She now goes down between 7 and 8 and sleeps until about 7. Naps are still the same - a morning nap from about 9 - 10 and an afternoon nap from around 1 - 3. I still nurse her before naps, before bed and in the morning. When she is done eating she sits up, points to her bed, and starts to lean in that direction and is generally happy when I lay her in her crib. Or, if we are downstairs and I ask her if she wants to go to bed, she walks that direction. I hope she ends up being one of those kids that actually likes taking naps and going to bed.
Her hair is finally long enough that I can put it up in a little ponytail at the top of her head or use a couple of clips in it. She sits surprising still while I do her hair.
She has started to become more and more affectionate. She likes to give loves and cuddles up with us now. She also gives her dolls and Kona loves. It is very sweet.
1 comment:
i can't believe your beautiful little girl is already 1! jacksen is right behind her! and i think it's so cute how tiny faith is...jacksen is 9m, weighs 24 lbs and is over 30 inches! it seems that her first year has been a great one...i hope the rest are just as fabulous, if not better! happy belated bday faith!
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