Bryce has really been enjoying using his imagination. He got Peter Pan figurines from Disneyland and he loves to pretend play with them. He introduces the characters to one and other and expects us to respond. The conversation goes something like this:
Bryce: Hi Captain Hook, I'm Peter Pan.
Mommy or Daddy: Hi Peter Pan. Nice to meet you. How are you?
Bryce: I'm good. Want to see my dagger Captain Hook?
Mommy or Daddy: Sure. Wow, that is a neat dagger.
Bryce: Yes it is. Hi Tinker Bell, I'm Peter Pan.
Mommy or Daddy: Hi Peter Pan.
Bryce: Do you like my nice hat and feather Tinker Bell?
This continues back and forth. He expects us to be the voice of whoever he is talking to. Sometimes we'll be out of the room and here him repeating something until we figure out that we are supposed to be playing a character and responding to him.
It is wonderful to see his imagination developing.
We are still having the same issues with naps and bedtime. He naps about every other day and when he does nap he is up until 9 or 10.
Now that Faith is walking Bryce is playing with her even more. This also means there is more frustration on his part because she can get into more of his toys. He has a hard time understanding that Faith can't follow direction or understand why she can't just knock stuff down or take things. We are working on being patient with her.
Bryce is thriving at school. He absolutely loves it. He has even started to do some of the art projects, which I love. He has only had one time out since he started for hitting a little girl. When I asked him why he hit her, he told me he hit her because she was sitting in the chair he wanted. It must not have been too bad because the teachers didn't say anything to me. I only found out about it because Bryce told on himself.
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