Faith is officially walking. She is still fairly unsteady on her feet, but she can make it across the room if she concentrates and doesn't stop half way to pick up a toy or dance. She is really loving music and often stops to dance when she hears it.
She has continued to throw some good fits. When you take something away from her she screeches, falls to the ground, and bangs her head on the floor. I really hope she gets this behavior out of her system now so that when she hits the terrible 2's and 3's she is a complete angel.
She is still a champion eater. She will eat whatever we put in front of her. She especially loves black beans, cheese, apple sauce, berries, yogurt, oatmeal, pancakes, and eggs.
She has recently started to sign more, drink, milk, and food. She can say drink, this, that, and kitty. Much to our dismay she has made no attempt to say mama or dada. When she wants something she points to it and says "this" or "that." She is trying hard to communicate with us and gets our attention by screaming.
She has continued to wake up 1-2 times a night. Once things settle down after our Disneyland trip I am going to have to let her fuss in the night so she once again makes it all night without having to nurse.
She is still nursing 4 -5 times a day. She has figured out where her milk comes from and will sign milk, hit my chest and pull on my shirt when she is hungry. While this isn't too bad when we are home, it can be a bit challenging in public, as she is very persistent.
Faith is interacting with Bryce more and more. The play cars together, cuddle under blankets, wrestle, and laugh. It is wonderful to see them together.
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