Thursday, August 30, 2007

Water play

Bryce had so much fun helping me plant and playing in the sprinklers. Summer is so wonderful!

Welcome to Bryce's blog

I will no longer be using My year subscription is up, so I decided to try this since it is free.

Bryce turned 14 months old on Saturday. My how fast time goes. He just cut his first two molars (bottom). It seems like he has been trying to get them for weeks now.

He started sleeping through the night on August 1st. I've had a month of getting 8 hours of sleep a night. It took me a few days to adjust to this, now I feel great.

Bryce is signing more and more. He has signs for more, drink, finished, birdie, and, no, yes, hi/bye. He also says mama and yea. Nanny also thinks he has said bath and kitty kitty, but I haven't heard him yet.

He now runs, not walks, everywhere. He loves dancing, climbing stairs, playing in his sandbox and swimming. He is definitely an active little boy.