Monday, June 20, 2011

Faith 2 Years 8 Months

It seems hard to believe, but Faith is becoming increasingly difficult. She has thrown some huge fits where she screams for an hour plus over nothing but her stubbornness. Some days it seems like a constant battle. I just pray that she outgrows this quickly. Nathan reminded me a few days ago, when I was venting to him saying that we needed to take Faith to a counselor, that I said the same thing about Bryce when he was of a similar age because of his fits. Now Bryce, while still strong willed, is not too difficult. I also hope that we are able to focus her stubbornness on something positive.

Her favorite thing to play is still babies. She loves taking care of them. She feeds them, changes their dirty diapers, burps them, and puts them to bed. She almost always has a baby with her.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bryce's last day of preschool

Bryce is officially out of preschool. I had a hard time all week thinking about the school year coming to an end. He has had such an amazing time at Brush Creek Nursery School and I'm sad that he has to move on. For the final day of school they had a jumpy house, face painting, pizza and lots of fun activities. He has a blast. After school I took the kids to get a frozen yogurt to celebrate.

When we got home, Bryce started crying because he missed school and just knew that at the end of the year in Kindergarten there wouldn't be a jumpy house and that he'd never have his face painted the same way. Poor sensitive guy. He made me tear up.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bryce 4 Years 11 Months

I can't believe that my baby will be 5 in just one month. Five seems like such a big boy. He will no longer fall into the preschooler age group, but will be moving into school-aged. So sad.

Bryce is starting to learn to act tough and suck it up when he gets hurt. While I like that he is able to control his emotions a little more, it also makes me realize that he is growing up on yet another level. He recently went to a jumpy house in San Jose with Nanny, Juli and the kids. I was told that he got hurt two different times, started to cry, and then took a deep breath, held back the tears and kept on going.

When Bryce gets angry his latest response is to huff at you and stomp off. He also asks us why we get so angry when most of the time we aren't angry, we are simply pointing out that he needs to change his attitude, or that he did something that isn't acceptable. He hasn't yet figured out the difference between us getting really angry, us not liking his behavior, and us just giving him suggestions/directions.

He is still really loving soccer and Tball. He had his Tball team party at Round Table pizza. All the kids were called up one by one to receive their trophy/medal. He was so proud of it.

We finally made the decision to send Bryce to Riebli for Kindergarten. We figure we'd try out the free option first and if it doesn't work out then move him. We felt by sending him to RVC first that we might be paying a whole lot of money unnecessarily and that once we started him in private school it would be difficult to move him into public. He had his Kindergarten screening at Riebli and is getting excited to go to Kindergarten.